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Submitted by: Jennifer Cheek
Question: 1
How do virtual networks that are natively isolated from each other provide support for overlapping IP address in a multi-tenant environment?
A. By enabling isolation without using access control lists and firewall rules.
B. By enabling isolation with the help of Active Directory (AD).
C. By employing the spanning tree protocol.
D. By implementing load balancing.
Answer: A
Question: 2
An administrator has deployed Distributed Firewall to protect their infrastructure from security threats. Due to extreme loads on the network the CPU is saturated and the memory becomes full.
In this scenario, which mode does the Distributed Firewall enter?
A. Secondary
B. Fail open
C. Proxy
D. Fail close
Answer: B
Question: 3
An administrator is working in an IT infrastructure where traditional routing methods are followed for routing network traffic. What are the three challenges for an administrator in this infrastructure? (Choose three.)
A. The use of East-West traffic is not secure within a data center.
B. North-South routing methods limit data center scalability.
C. The complexity of routing increases in a multi-tenant environment.
D. A suboptimal traffic route is used to reach destination.
E. Adding new servers to an isolated network became difficult.
Answer: A, B, E
Question: 4
Which is NOT a benefit of virtualized compute over traditional physical hardware for server deployments?
A. Cost
B. Deployment time
C. Security
D. Flexibility
Answer: C
Question: 5
What are the two operational modes available with VMware NSX balancer (Choose two.)
A. Proxy
B. Setup
C. Baseline
D. inline
Answer: A, D
Question: 6
A security policy is a collection of security services of firewall rules, or both. Which security service is applied to virtual machines to ensure data security?
A. Virtual machine
B. Guest Introspection
C. Network Introspection
D. SpoofGuard
Answer: B
Question: 7
Which NSX component enforces security rules between two virtual machines that are on the same Layer 2 segment?
A. NSX Manage
B. Distributed Route
C. NSX distributed Firewall
D. NSX Controlle
Answer: C
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